My Ghetto Stories  
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A halo of all empty spaces,its poignancy shook the trembling reeds to look startled.Starting at a nomadic head with bold trellisses,piqued for an answer to the hiding Treasure Trove. "Hey,I don't care if you've been preening beneath a cloved plumage,my procurement and supply despots still peek it despite your pruning cold abdications." Pick pocketing,ever t'was conducive or illogical to spread the pandemic of charlatans. "Griffiths,Primanders: Called to liaison about this Methadone and all that's left of your endorphin Apple or Apricot ciders,what of this truss I come to seize?"He posed his inquiry with slammed door openings and a piercing hiding onto the surmounted victim. "O,I brought your aces;" A lady justling lends into the room,surmising. "The new moon soon be in full blight- Full blithe!" She said availing in a vote of confidence. "Voglio e non the track:Andromache to work the scales to her treat first before the trick sees print."She went on with updates to an errand,bold parts when he kicks his cane. "I even called the publisher,she's annoyed we will be running late for patenting; But both her hands are levied at the moment,Ralph and Semele seem to be at loggerheads.It could be subliminal but melodramatic for the viewer's review."Dampen,her moisten feeling from sticky resins in these interventions for an intern's volition,but so are the glossy and luminous vicars on the Hyacinth and over the Borealis.

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